Moshav Liberia Development Networks

Achieving community developments through collective efforts


The aim of The Moshav Liberia Development Network – MOLDEN – is to follow goals as set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was endorsed by all UN Member States in 2015. The agenda, which has 17 sustainable development goals at its heart, is a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet today and in the future.

Problems MOLDEN
is striving to address

  • Lack of farmers’ training programs
  • Large number of kids are out of school
  • Climate change
  • Environmental pollution
  • Land degradation
  • Lack of desired farming inputs
  • Poor yield
  • Food insecurity
  • Poverty

Specific Objectives

  • Increase yield through agriculture extension and services
  • Provide awareness on land degradation & environmental
  • pollution
  • Improve yield through hands on Agriculture training.
  • Provide quality inputs to farmers
  • Improve livelihoods of farmers

Solutions by MOLDEN

  • Hands – on training for farmers
  • Agriculture extension by radio
  • Field visit and farmers’ field school
  • Supervision
  • Monitoring and evaluation


Community impact and Outreach projects

Training rural farmers about waste management through bagasse and spent wash usage

Working with rural farmers to improve cassava yield and post-harvest handling

School nutrition through hands-on agriculture with students

Training rural farmers about waste management through bagasse and spent wash usage

Training youth for food security

Supervising fish farming project
for income generation

Meet the person behind the The Moshav Liberia Development Network

Jacob B. Dennis

LIBERIA AICAT ALUMNI – MSc PROGRAM  in partnership with the Tel Aviv University, Israel.

2011 – 2015     B.S. General Agriculture with a minor in Education, Cuttington University                  GPA: 3.75                     

2010 – 2011   “C” Certificate in Education (certifies teachers in Liberia)  Ministry of Education/ Cuttington University


Contact Moshav Liberia for more information

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Jacob B. Dennis  |  MOLDEN – Moshav Liberia Development Networks | +231-88-610-8854 |