From the creator of Silent Witness another gripping mystery featuring Dr Sam Ryan When the beautiful wife of a local MP is found brutally murdered in her own home, the entire resources of the Cambridge Constabulary are brought to bear. Leading the investigation is...
Lucy Jarrett is at a crossroads in her life, still haunted by her father’s unresolved death a decade earlier. She returns to her hometown in Upstate New York, The Lake of Dreams, and, late one night, she cracks the lock of a window seat and discovers a...
“Could a ghost from his past take everything away from Alex Cross? Mere hours after witnessing the execution of a killer he helped put behind bars, Alex Cross is called to the scene of a copycat murder. A note signed ‘M’ rests on the corpse-...
A man accused of burglary seems innocent . . . but in this #1 New York Times bestseller, two ex-Secret Service agents quickly learn that nothing is more dangerous than the truth. A woman is found murdered in the woods. It seems like a simple case but it soon...
THE TARGET IS ROYAL. THE GAME IS REVENGE . She is an iconic member of the British Royal Family, beloved for her beauty and charitable works, resented by her former husband and his mother, the Queen of England. But when a bomb explodes aboard her holiday yacht, British...
‘Are you my mummy?’ Tessa Markham returns home to find a child in her kitchen. He thinks she’s his mother. But Tessa doesn’t have any children. Not anymore. She doesn’t know who the little boy is or how he got there. After contacting the...