From the creator of Silent Witness another gripping mystery featuring Dr Sam Ryan When the beautiful wife of a local MP is found brutally murdered in her own home, the entire resources of the Cambridge Constabulary are brought to bear. Leading the investigation is...
Growing up, Kate Priddy was always a bit neurotic, experiencing momentary bouts of anxiety that exploded into full-blown panic attacks after an ex-boyfriend kidnapped her and nearly ended her life. When Corbin Dell, a distant cousin in Boston, suggests the two...
With family, there’s a dangerous line between love and hate… Reaching the darkest corners of family life, THE FAITHLESS by the ‘undisputed queen of crime writing’ (Guardian) and Sunday Times No.1 bestseller Martina Cole is an...
In the rugged Pacific Northwest of the United States lies the Olympic National Forest – a vast expanse of impenetrable darkness and impossible beauty. From deep within this mysterious woodland, a six-year-old girl appears. Speechless and alone, she offers no...
Mitzko, the granddaughter of a Geisha, is caught between two opposing worlds of old Japan and new America. Her indomitable desire to heal lifts her above this bitter conflict. Her heroic father, her reed-like mother, and the American boys and men are the powerful...
“Nell is twenty-six and has never been to Paris. She’s never even been on a romantic weekend away–to anywhere–before. Travelling abroad isn’t really her thing. But when Nell’s boyfriend fails to show up for their mini-vacation, she...